FoundationDB 7.0.0 Released
Published April 13, 2022FoundationDB 7.0.0 is now officially available.
The latest FoundationDB release can be downloaded and installed as binaries from the github downloads page (available for macOS and Linux), or as source from our GitHub repository. If you're already running FDB, also see our upgrade instructions.
The highlight of this release is a 30% reduction in p99 tail latencies which is the result of two changes: * Efficient GRV calculation: The proxies only need to communicate with the sequencer before replying to a GRV request (In previous releases every proxy communicated with every other proxy). * Separate GRV proxies: The proxy role has been split into two distinct roles: commit proxies and GRV proxies. This change eliminates some of the contention where a large commit impacted the latency of a concurrent GRV request.
A full list of features, fixes, and other changes are documented in our release notes.